Help Rinaldi Advisory Services Support MedShare’s Humanitarian Efforts


According to the World Health Organization, half the world lacks access to essential health services.

The critical importance of primary healthcare as the foundation of global health security has never been more evident. By delivering high-impact high-quality medical supplies and equipment generously donated by the organization’s valued partners, MedShare helps build healthy communities by strengthening vulnerable health systems in the U.S. and abroad.

With your help, MedShare can continue to address the inequities faced by the world’s most medically fragile populations as we support their journey to better health. You can make a secure gift below or click here to learn more about how to donate needed medical supplies and/or biomedical equipment.

On behalf of Rinaldi Advisory Services, thank you for your generous support. Your donation will help ensure that MedShare can equip healthcare professionals, medical mission teams, partner organizations, and local hospitals and clinics with the supplies and equipment needed to save lives.

To MedShare, financial responsibility is paramount. As such, over 91% of every dollar donated to MedShare goes directly to support programming. >> View MedShare’s 2022 Impact Report